Winter weather is cold, Mom and Dad are going to do the test tube baby fee. When the baby goes out to play, not only must the cold and warm, but also pay attention to the baby's delicate little face. Today, my sister will tell you about the baby skincare cheats in winter, come and learn.


When winter arrives, the baby's small face with a high cost of test-tube baby becomes very red, and it feels rough with his hand. When the situation is serious, the skin on the baby's face will also split. Why is it easy for a baby to have a red face in winter?

Baby skin is delicate and sensitive, and some moms and dads don't pay much attention to baby facial care. In addition, the baby's resistance is poor, when the cold air comes, it is easy to catch a runny nose. Some babies love to cry, and after they have finished crying, they will wipe their noses and tears with their faces. Under the bad stimulation of tears and nose, the baby will have a red face.

The most authoritative cleft red face of a test-tube baby is stimulated, making the baby feel very uncomfortable. At this time, if the cream is applied to the baby's face, it will make the baby feel painful, which will cause strong resistance and even cause crying. The more violent the baby cries, the more severe the red face is, which creates a vicious circle, and the imagination that causes the skin to split is not alleviated. In addition, when the baby is crying, it is possible to wipe off the cream when he wipes his tears, which affects the effect of the cream.


So, how do you do your baby's winter skin care work? You can respond in the following ways:


The baby's skin is very delicate, and even mild irritation can cause skin discomfort. When you take your baby out, you should wear a hat, scarf and other equipment to avoid blowing. Be careful not to let your baby stay in the air to avoid being chilled or suffering from cold winds.

The weather in winter is dry and will increase.

试管婴儿 The baby's skin is cracked, so everyone must do a good job of moisturizing the baby's skin. Wash your baby with warm water every morning and evening, and apply some cream after washing your face. Opening the air conditioner or heating to sleep in the evening will make the skin very dry. Everyone should pay attention to maintaining the normal humidity in the room. It is recommended that you use an air humidifier or put a basin of water indoors.


After your baby has a red face or a cleft palate, you should take timely measures to remedy it. Before the baby goes to sleep, apply a warm towel to the cleft palate of the baby's skin. After the skin becomes soft, apply it with cod liver oil. Doing this every day, the baby's skin cracking imagination will be cured in about a week.

After your baby has finished eating or crying, everyone should help the baby clean the face immediately. When cleaning, it is best to use a soft towel and gently wipe with warm water. Do not use wet wipes. In addition, everyone should feed the baby more and let him eat more fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C.